Wednesday, February 1, 1995

Lesson plans: Academic Research Using the Internet

In January 1995, I taught Middlebury College's first-ever class on academic research using the Internet, through the college's student-led J-term class system.

Since I am interested in history as well as the Internet, I am including this material here, for the curious to discover and see what the Internet was like in January 1995.

NOTE: I make no guarantees that any of this information is accurate anymore, nor that any of the links are still working.

Welcome to the home page of Winter Term 1995 class SL122.5, Academic Research Using the Internet

We spent the month of January 1995 exploring the possibilities of the Internet for academic research. You are free to have a look at my lesson plans, and to write me comments. My name is Jeff Inglis, and I am a member of the class of 1995 at Middlebury College, and I was the student leader of the class.

The book we used was Finding it in the Internet by Paul Gilster, published in 1994, available from most bookstores. I highly recommend it as a reference for those of all levels of Internet proficiency! It is a good reference for the history of the Internet and its tools, as well as having very complete descriptions of the tools, critical assessments of their usefulness, and help information for most features of all tools! Thanks very much, Paul, for writing such a useful book, and for our helpful correspondence prior to my class!

These pages are a compilation of the writeups of my 12 students: their summaries of their months of research on their particular topics, sites on the Internet they found useful, and several Internet Hunt-type questions each student came up with.


I suppose now would be a good time to say that there are a large number of links on this and related pages. Since I do not, of course, maintain the sites to which these links point, I cannot be responsible for a) their existence nor b) their providing you with anything useful in any way at all. I am not even going to guarantee, right now, that the links on pages I maintain even work, as I have merely copied-and-pasted them straight out of my students' writeups into these pages, and have not yet tested the links. Links which are numbers are ones for which there were no accompanying descriptions; I'll attempt to rectify this situation as soon as I can! Thanks for your understanding and patience. -Jeff

And now, on with the page!

My students were, in alphabetical order: Mark Bisanzo '98, Julie Fisher '95, Wright Frank '95, Rand Knight '95, Yim Lee '96, John McCabe '95, Kalsang Phuntsok (visiting student), Kunal Randery '96, Dan Richards '95, Sheng Tan '96, Sara Vintiadis '97, and Pema Wangdak '95.

Their topics varied widely, and were, alphabetically, these: (correct me if my summary is wrong, folks!)

  • China and Traveling in China (Yim)
  • Computer Speech Recognition (John)
  • Forestry and Forest Resources (Rand)
  • Greece and Greek Culture (Sara)
  • Interpretation of Biblical Literature (Mark)
  • Jazz Music (Wright)
  • Prevention Education Concerning Eating Disorders and Body Image (Julie)
  • Scotland and the Scottish Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 (Dan)
  • Stock Market Information and Stock Quote Information (Kunal)
  • The Environment and Malaysia (Sheng)
  • The United Nations (Kalsang)
  • Tibet (Pema)

They each found a group of useful sites, and I have made up a list of them, for your perusal. Please let me know which of them you find most useful, for which disciplines!

They each also submitted 6 Internet Hunt-style questions, 5 with answers and 1 experimental question (without an answer). Thanks to Rick Gates for his permission to use the Internet Hunt in my class! There's a list of the questions, and the answers are separate. (There are links from the question page to the answer page, and back.)

If you would like to teach a class like this, please get in touch with me!

Academic Research Using the Internet

I am interested in the capability of the Internet for academic research; that was its original purpose, and yet much of the Internet has today been commercialized and privatized, and is out of the academic sector. This does not mean that it has been made useless to those of us in academia who wish to use computers to enhance our knowledge about our subjects.

This January, I will be teaching a class entitled "Academic Research Using the Internet" here at Middlebury College; this page is part of my preparation, and will hold my thoughts and URLs of interesting places. Also, I hope that this page will be made more complete during the class, and afterward - any relevant material will be found here.

Web Searching

Here is a list of different sites which have different lists of Web search engines:


There are a small group of "meta-indices" which permit searching multiple engines, topics, sites, etc. without actually connecting to them. Here's a list of some of them:

In my class we have come up with an ever-growing list of useful sites.


There are a good number of libraries who are presently connected to the Internet. One of them is the World Wide Web Virtual Library, which is an excellent pointer to resources across the Internet.

If you need printed matter, and want to know if a particular library has it, you can check the Middlebury College Library catalogue (login as "LIB"), or the British Library gopher. Here is the online catalogue of the Boole Library at University College Cork, Ireland. The Boole also has its own web page. And of course, the U.S. Library of Congress is also online! The Smithsonian Institution's Research Information System is now available, and quite useful!

U.S. Government Sites

Government Offices

There is a large list of government offices which are connected to the Internet, as well as the White House. Other offices include the U.S. National Park Service and the folks who do astrophysics at NASA. The FBI is online now, as well.

Fedworld is a guide to all of the U.S. government's online services.

The IRS is also online.

There is a new online legislative information page called Thomas, which was unveiled on 6 Jan 1995.

Also available are the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

U.S. National Archives

The U.S. National Archives are now connected to the Internet, and they have a web site, a gopher site, and they receive Email. Their Center for Electronic Records also accepts Email.

Documents Issued By the U.S. Government

Email to the U.S. Government

There is a directory of Email addresses of members of Congress at the University of Michigan.

Don't overlook the US Postal Service or the US Information Agency!

History Sources

Here are some pointers to history sources on the Internet:

Universities Around the World

  1. Chronicle of Higher Education
  2. Mount Holyoke College
  3. Carnegie-Mellon University homepage
  4. QueenÕs University, Belfast www
  5. North Hagerstown High School
  6. University of Saskatchewan
  7. University of Virginia

The Internet

The big cahuna, the "mother of all networks," too often described as the information superhighway (or worse, the "infobahn," implying no speed limits), or, less often, but more accurately, as "a dirt road, mostly muddy, with lots of very large and very deep potholes." The Internet is a very cool place, and there's lots of data available on the Internet which talks about the Internet, like the InterNIC Scout Report, and Jonathan Monsarrat's Internet course.

There is a list of Internet mailing lists (whose topical list can be found in HTML form also), a book list relating to the Internet, and a catalogue of Internet Service Providers worldwide, among many other things.

One of the largest centers for Internet stuff is the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
If you want to read more about the Internet, there is a list of electronic journals as well as a list of printed books

Further, there is a file on Internet tools and another on Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication information See also:

  1. info on permanent Email addresses!
  2. webNews page
  3. world Internet map
  4. Web interface for webNews archive
  5. the Desktop Internet Reference
  6. The Bible of Usenet
  7. Northeast Association for Computers and the Humanities
  8. www page fonts
  9. index to lists, newsgroups, etc
  10. Pointers to Pointers


Here's the stuff that belongs here but doesn't have enough similar stuff here yet to warrant its own category. It's just a list, but as it grows I will add new sections and organize these sites better, as well as add new stuff to the list.
  1. UPenn's English Server
  2. New Yorker magazine
  3. Murple's religion page
  4. OMRI (was RFE/RL)
  5. Antiquarian Booksellers' Web Site
  6. Early Modern Literary Studies Journal
  7. Demography statistics
  8. Global Network Navigator
  9. Higher Ed Web Pages List
  10. International Affairs Resources
  11. UN Scholars' Workstation
  12. Assoc Asian Studies
  13. Fourth World Documentation Project
  14. Association for the Study of Literature and Environment
  15. Electronic texts
  16. the Project on Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS)
  17. French Ministry of Culture
  18. United Nations Development Databases
  19. UN Scholars' Workstation
  20. United Nations
  21. United Nations gopher
  22. research folders at UIC
  23. Electronic Newsstand
  24. Irish Times
  25. Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
  26. Directory of Slavic and East European Cataloguers in North America

WEEK 1 - the technical stuff

Mon 9 Jan

Archie, whatis, anonymous FTP, Gopher, Veronica, regex, case-sensitivity, Internet hunt, how am I driving?

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction - what we'll talk about today

2 min - Telnet

a program permitting connections between computers, even those which speak different languages

25 min - Archie from the VAX

telnet to various sites (,,, login: archie, note 'search' (type string) has value 'sub' message at login

basic command: find searchterm, i.e., find russia (prog=find)

back to example of last time -


newer version:

how do I find the newer version?

find .zip (but that finds all ZIP files!)

find fp- (could find lots of things, right?, like jeffp-3.exe or something)

what about setting the search variable, which is now sub? use set search command

could be sub, substring search for searchterm anywhere in filename

exact, an exact match, i.e.,

subcase, substring search with case sensitivity, i.e.,

regex, a UNIX regular expression

exact_sub, first exact, then sub

exact_subcase, first exact, then subcase

exact_regex, first exact, then regex


quite useful if you know lots of things about your filename, but not very useful otherwise

I know the file I'm looking for begins with fp- and ends with .zip

a regex can say "look at the beginning of the filename" or "at the end only" - use find ^fp-.* to look for names beginning with fp-, and find \.zip$ to look for names ending with .zip

. period is any one character

* asterisk is zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression (normally, a period, such that together .* means any number of any character)

^ caret is signal for beginning of word

$ dollar sign is signal for end of word

\ backslash says "treat the next character as itself, not as its usual regex meaning" (as in finding .zip with \.zip$)

setting other things

set maxhits - limits the number of hits you'll come back with to a number between 0 and 1000 - lower numbers are faster search times, since when the search hits maxhits times, it stops

set sortby - changes the way the output is displayed, either by

filename - alphabetically by name of the file

hostname - alphabetically by name of FTP host

none - no sorting

size - largest files first

time - newest files first

set mailto - to get mailed the results of the search rather than write down lots of information from the screen - before searches to send all results to your mailbox

mail command - after a search, mail sends the results of that search to my mailbox

mailing is automatically done if archie request submitted by mail

10 min - Whatis

the hidden side of Archie servers - the Software Description Database, describing all files it knows about that have descriptions - not all programs - some are just data files

whatis banana - finds all files with the word banana in them

whatis tape

then it lists name of program or type of document, and its description

you have to archie for the name of the program, but you can use regex now -

find ^tape.* or whatever

exiting Archie and Whatis - archie> exit or quit

2 min - Archie/Whatis by mail

archie@archie.server.address, send commands in order as you would type them, and get results mailed back

easier than waiting for a connection availability, but not as quick; also if you issue commands incorrectly, it doesn't work - use when you feel comfy with interactive archie

5 min - FTP from Archie results

hostname, directory names

anonymous login (Email address as password)

15 min - Gopher

Using Gopher's Help system

Find command - under Edit(?) menu - search for a term in the current window, especially useful if there's lots of choices in the list

other menus

information on resources

data types

0 - file

1 - directory or menu (folder) (Gopher connection)

2 - CSO phone book

3 - error

4 - Mac BinHex file (method of storing/transmitting binary files in ASCII)

5 - DOS compressed file (.ZIP, .ARC)

6 - uuencoded file (UNIX file compression)

7 - index search

8 - Telnet connection

9 - binary file

other experimental ones too

helper applications installed - display graphics, play sounds

(show satellite weather map - Infrared image)

25 min - Veronica

Archie can be case-sensitive; Veronica is not

we already talked about using Veronica with search terms (clinton health care) etc.

we can also use clinton not (health care) or clinton and (health not care) and so on - Boolean searching

we can further search for different types of resources, like files, directories, etc., using the -t switch: -t1 finds directories, -t18 finds files and Telnet connections, and so on

often handy to search first for your most general term, and then try to figure out from those results what things you need to specify (is clinton enough, or do you need hillary as well? and do you need to specify a certain type of resource - are you looking for folders and telnet connections, or would you be happy with a file called clinton.exe?

remember you should look at each of the menu choices from your final search - you'll be happier if you narrow your search first and then check out things, having excluded all but what is most useful

30 min - Internet Hunt

a bit about the Internet Hunt

Rick Gates wanted to create some sort of event to illustrate the power and resources of the Internet and put out a monthly contest, to be answered by the general Internet public, and accepting questions from them for use in future Hunts

questions must be submitted with answers, and answers must be submitted with the steps leading to the discovery of the answer

11 of 12 questions are verifiably answerable - the other one is not - Rick doesn't know if the answer is out there and wants to find out if it is...

winning the contest is just for fun - there are various prizes, too

the question for right now

what are the other occupations of the members of the City Council of Wellington, New Zealand?

the answer

Gopher: all the Gopher Servers in the World by Region, Pacific, New Zealand, Wellington Gopher, City Council information

Tue 10 Jan

WWW, WWWW, WAIS, Internet hunt, how am I driving?, formatting

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction to what we're up to today

5 min - review of yesterday

questions, any luck with Internet Hunt stuff?

15 min - USENET news

a huge collection of bulletin boards, discussion groups, and so on

arranged topically by category, and readable in order

to post a note to a newsgroup, send mail to

25 min - WWW


data containing embedded links, permitting moving through information in no particular sequence.


What is a URL? how do you recognize one? different types of URLs; parts of URLs


HyperText Markup Language - a method of embedding hypertext links, text, graphics, and sounds into one cohesive page

WWW Virtual Library

a handy place to look for just about anything

there are many other places to just jump right in, and explore around - check out my home page for some links to various places


a text-based WWW browser, available from the VAX connection in your room

20 min - WWWW - the World Wide Web Worm

searches by checking for your search term in its database of Web pages

other ways of searching

there are, of course, other ways of searching the Web - there's a page on it, at, and they all work differently, so give each a try

Jughead - searches only the current Web server, as do other applications

45 min - WAIS - Wide Area Information System

rather than being a name-only searcher like Archie or a title-only searcher like Veronica, WAIS is a full-text searcher

the way this works is that WAIS servers specialize in particular areas, and index information about those areas only

changing your default WAIS source

Directory of Servers

there is a Directory of Servers at Thinking Machines, Inc. ( which catalogues most of the WAIS sources, but not all of them - it, like everything else, is growing far too fast to be kept track of


output from a WAIS search is ranked in order of the number of occurrences of your search term in that document - 1000 is the highest

you can also specify your search further by using relevance feedback which means you can say "look for things that are similar to this other thing"


selecting your keywords are important, and remember that it's not case-sensitive, as well as it being an OR Boolean search

10 min - Internet Hunt

answer a couple of questions; come up with some, even ones you don't know the answer to

Wed 11 Jan

Veronica, WWWW, Jughead, WAIS searching differences, HYTELNET, how am I driving?

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction

10 min - WAIS review

due to problems among the class understanding WAIS, draw a picture of it - including the client, the Directory of Servers, other Servers, documents, and the query process

30 min - discussion of searching differences


can search different types of media, filenames and directory names, searches Gopherspace, which contains large amounts of info

WWW Virtual Library

wide variety of stuff, mostly institutional things, ignores many individual efforts, except those most well known (like Scott Yanoff)


limited to what is registered or well-known on the Web, not good at following the links from those pages it knows of, ignores much of the riches of the Web


WWWW for one Web server - only useful if you know it's there but don't know quite where


servers very specific, relevance feedback and multiple-server search quite handy, interface kind of tough, but not totally impenetrable either

30 min - HYTELNET

from Midd, Myriad, login LIB, then choice 2, then HYTEL

library-oriented (SITES1) and card catalogues aplenty

also has SITES2, which is a huge range of databases, published works, and other information free for the looking

not searchable, but browsing can uncover a great deal

centralized lists of stuff keep things reasonably under control but also prevent expansion on the order of the Internet

reasonably consistent interface with vast amounts of resources

most important and most significant stuff hides easily, but it's there if you look

10 min - how am I doing?

10 min - Internet Hunt

from the October 1994 Hunt

Thu 12 Jan

usenet news, Yanoff's list, other important pointers and how to find them; perfecting a search, beginning strategies, narrowing a topic

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction

10 min - bibliographic stuff, copyright, etc. - issues of providing information and citation

good faith is more important than anything else.

what is public domain?

how do you cite something that's published electronically?

how do you enforce citation of information that can be very difficult to find once, much less twice - how do you prove plagiarism?

10 min - check more out of USENET news

10 min - Scott Yanoff's list of stuff

where to find it, what forms (Web, Gopher, FTP), and how to use it

20 min - discussion on useful sites

ones with lots of varied info, and pointers to other places

30 min - discussion on perfecting a search

10 min - how to narrow a search

in terms of topic

in terms of resources to use

in terms of availability and user-friendliness


create at least one Internet Hunt question yourself, with its answer

evaluate 3 of the ways to search the Web from the Web search page, and come to class Monday prepared to talk about its shortcomings, strengths, and how it compares to other search engines

WEEK 2 - searching

Mon 16 Jan

ways to think about a search, remembering how the various tools search, HAID?

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction

5 min - formatting a disk

10 min - FIND: where was the movie quote?

30 min - present 2 Internet Hunt questions to the class

give the rest to me

40 min - talk about Web searching

15 min - Internet Hunt question

10 min - collect reviews of various Web search engines

Tue 17 Jan

WAIS relevance feedback, combining Veronica searches with WWWW and archie, HAID?

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction

15 min - how old is WAIS?

30 min - discussion of searching differences


can search different types of media, filenames and directory names, searches Gopherspace, which contains large amounts of info

WWW Virtual Library

wide variety of stuff, mostly institutional things, ignores many individual efforts, except those most well known (like Scott Yanoff)


limited to what is registered or well-known on the Web, not good at following the links from those pages it knows of, ignores much of the riches of the Web


WWWW for one Web server - only useful if you don't know it's there but don't know quite where


servers very specific, relevance feedback and multiple-server search quite handy, interface kind of tough, but not totally impenetrable either

Usenet news, Yanoff's list, Virtual Reference Desk at UCI,, FAQs, other important pointers and how to find them: perfecting a search, beginning strategies, narrowing a topic

30 min - discussion on perfecting a search

tools, ways of thinking about it (keywords/physical locations), start at particularly useful or relevant sites/URLs

10 min - check out USEnet news


15 min - Internet Hunt question

Wed 18 Jan

30 min - discussion of useful sites

ones with lots of varied info and pointers to other places

WWW Virtual Library, Electronic Newsstand, Yanoff's List,

20 min - how best to save references to all these great places

Gopher bookmarks, Web bookmarks, writing stuff down

10 min - Scott Yanoff's list of stuff

where to find it, what forms (Web, Gopher, FTP), and how to use it

20 min - how to actually get our hands on something we've found

finding, downloading, decompression and exceution

40 min - Internet Hunt question

10 min - ideas about other search techniques?

20 min - project stuff

what I want, presentation format

Thu 19 Jan

a bit more on these projects - explanation of presentation and writeup, HAID?

10 min - projects

rest of class - dissection of searches, using the Internet Hutn (real and new questions)

homework - 2 new Internet Hunt questions, with answers: make a list of a few useful sites pertaining to your topic (at least one Gopher site and one Web site, hopefully a WAIS source and an FTP site too)

90 min - finding people

CWIS, CSO, x500, netfind, finger, whois, who

3 easiest ways to find someone's Email address: phone, letter, in person - make sure they HAVE an Email address, and give you what it is - no wasting time looking if they don't have one (or never check it)


- white pages/yellow pages

- whites often need business/organization name to work - lots of overlaps

X.500 tries to create "phone" directories useful to the Internet

stored in X.400 format

X.400 and X.500 are standards developed by ISO - X.400 is another way of specifying an network address, different from the currently used TCP/IP format - (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) - =

you are more than just a computer name: /G=John/S=Dryden/O=Whitehall/C=UK/ADMD=TECEMAIL/

if you know information about a user, you still may not be able to put together a full X.400 address - hence, X.500

you give a directory pieces and it puts together the rest

run through FRED (FRont End to Directories) - telnet to or (login: fred)

whois dryden -org whitehall

help page: "The command syntax, while meant to be intuitive, is tedious."

you need an organization name

whois -org * @c=gb gets all organizations in Great Britain


still X.500 but a different interface written by the Paradise Project

Directory Entries: telnet (login: de)

i - instructions, ? - help

Gopher can also run X.500 searches - Gopher for phonebooks and X.500 searches

-most intuitive X.500 gateway

search for a name and see what happens


NOT the same as FRED's whois query

$ whois -h inglis returns my Email address and info

telnet is a list of all whois servers. look in it for a site close to where you're looking for your friend

whois: prompt - type a name

bradley, bill

john. - partial search ends in a period and looks for everything beginning with the string

searching for handles (shorthand abbreviations, unique to a user):



search by domain

do std

do middlebury

search by hosts

ho middlebury

search by network

ne infonet

search by person

pe jones

whois @unc - all folks at UNC

whois -h 'johnson'

(-host) whois server remember quotes!

Europeans -



a hack program - no index but actually goes looking when you ask it a question

it uses returns from finger requests (login: netfind) (login: netfind)

it holds a database of hostnames "seed database"

location can be host name or geographical

gets a list of domains and searches the domain looking for mail-forwarding, then finger

try inglis panther middlebury edu then jinglis then jeffrey

search for last, first, or username

the more you know the better - not always successful, though


seeing who's logged in, or info on a person


a smart robot

telnet 185

query jeff inglis

andrew burt

searches successively some default sites - Internic,, mcimail, ripe (reseaux IP europeens), finger, whois, X.500

with more info it goes further

country, help, man, news. org or org north carolina state

print - shows all

query asks (do other stuff before - specify more info)


service - adds a place to search

services - shows active services

mail to knowbots: and

CSO directories

named for the Computing Services Office (at some university), where it was developed

there are Gopher pointers to lots of these, and they have forms to fill out

they are site specific - look for someone you know at Cornell only at Cornell's CSO phonebook!

USENET address server

keeps a list of posters to USENET newsgroups and their names and addresses

mail to

in body: send usenet-addresses /name

(e.g., send usenet-addresses /inglis)

academic institutions

there is a file on finding folks in academic institutions

there are three files - part1, part2, and part3

CWIS - Campus Wide Information Systems

may have phone directories

search methods vary from place to place but are usually relatively easy to follow

mail to the place they are

odds are, if CompuServe, AOL, Delphi, etc. aren't searchable places, it's hard to find folks there

you can always send mail to postmaster@host.domain

if you know the name of the machine, send there and ask nicely with as much info as you have on the person - name, year, major, etc.

it can fail, and they may not write back in an expedient fashion

remember the three easiest ways!

20 min - Word doc to Email

WEEK 3 - the VAX and doing this stuff from your room

Mon 23 Jan

review Telnet, text-based archie, archie by mail,

begin FTP to VAX and then to local, FTP by mail, Gopher and Veronica: bookmark-making and storage, HAID?

FTP - changing directories, get vs. mget, put vs. mput, type binary vs. type ASCII, typing exactly the names, including case and underscores, etc.

20 min - FTP in your room

including Kermit transfers from the VAX to your machine

10 min - handy sites folks have found

10 min - poke around the Electronic Newsstand

10 min - ph server

20 min - useful sites

15 min - assign days for presenting

15 min - talk about the rest of this week

work time for the rest of today, Tuesday, and Wednesday

no attendance

all questions answered

I will be here 9-11 all days, and will stay beyond that if folks show up, except Tuesday when I have to leave at 11:30.

Thursday - come at 9 for check-in and questions. I will be away all weekend, so ask then. The rest of Thursday will be work time.

Monday presentations begin - you are expected to show up all of next week.

Tue 24 Jan

structured work time

Wed 25 Jan

structured work time

Thu 26 Jan

check-in, structured work time

5 min - arrivals, attendance, introduction

30 min - check-in, questions, etc.

homework - 2 new Internet Hunt questions with answers, 1 experimental Internet Hunt question, writeup of presentation, preparation of presentation of topic

WEEK 4 - wrap-up, presentations

Mon 30 Jan

REMINDER: writeups due in my Emailbox tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5pm.

presentations: 10 minutes of a topic, information about it, evaluations of which tools and strategies were most useful, any tricks you came across that were handy, why you chose the strategies you chose, 2 sites of particular importance and their significance (perhaps one general info source, for those who know little about your topic, and one specific for those looking for in-depth info).

presentations should close with a handout or Email-out of a set of Internet Hunt questions pertaining to your topic (or something close), and should be of the format of the regular one - but with just 5 questions with verifiable answers and 1 experimental

Tue 31 Jan

presentations again

writeups due in my Email box by 5pm (to JINGLIS, not cobalt, for queue reasons): list of sites and sources found, evaluation of them and their usefulness, a couple of pages describing your project, the search process, your difficulties and successes, and an evaluation of the Internet's usefulness to you and your topic.

writeups should also include your Internet Hunt questions and their answers (for the 5 with answers)

Wed 1 Feb

writeups due in my Email box by 5pm (to JINGLIS, not cobalt, for queue reasons): list of sites and sources found, evaluation of them and their usefulness, couple of pages describing your project, the search process, your difficulties and successes, and an evaluation of the Internet's usefulness to you and your topic.

discussion of the class, how did I drive?, how did they drive?



EInet Travel Folder
FAQ Air Traveler's Handbook
International Travel Tips- U of Alabama, Birmigham PNN Info
Rice University CWIS Travel collection
Moon Travel homepage
Scott Yanoff's Special Internet Connections Page
U.S. State Department Official Travel Advisories
fun facts


WNUR jazzserver
Jazz Improvisation Primer
Ray Avery Jazz Photos
Chet Baker Music


Useful Sites
Neat Sites


Paul Randall's Internet Information Page
Internet Search tools and Info Sources
O'Reilly's Whole Internet Catalog
NCSU Computing Information and Resources
Joe Walker Hot List
The Awesome List
Malaysia page
events page
URL for Malaysia
URL for Environment
GNA Meta-Library Search
Josh's Underground WWW site/Alpha Centauri Homepage
Murple Web Home Page


METLA (Finnish Forest Research Institute) Gopher
METLA (Finnish Forest Research Institute) Web Server
Forestry Books in Print
Ecological Data Exchange (EDEX)
University of Minnesota Forestry Gopher
Oregon State University Forest Science Laboratory
1992 UNCED Forest Principles
Canadian Department of Forestry


Sumex-Aim FTP site
Dartmouth FTP site (including BlitzMail!)
Apple's FTP site
National Center for Supercomputing Applications FTP site
A "Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n- Roll site"
Scotland Page
Lots of Stuff, including a clickable map of the UK
Scotland Alpine Web Server
Scottish Whiskey Tour
Writings of Anarchists and Revolutionaries




EINet Galaxy religion page
Notre Dame server dealing with Catholicism including Scriptural interpretations, Church teachings, and papal documents


Whole Internet User's Catalog
Securities APL Quote Server
Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 Index server
Howe Barnes Home Page
The Securities APL Market Watch
charts/graphs of price data of stocks and mutual funds
Networth Page
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides yesterday's currency spot rates
Personal Finance Information, Management, Real Estate Information, Investment Info


UN Links

Julie and John

were mostly looking for information that ended up being in various libraries and so on; they each used Hytelnet and Gopher, browsing not only library catalogues but also various discussion groups, like the Usenet news.



1)Is there snake in "Flat Snake Chili"???
2)What kinds of prevention education programs exist?
3)What is a Cibola labrador?
4)Do men have eating disorders?
5)is there a national association or org. for eating disorders?
and my question i could not find the answer to but would like to know is if i can contact the workers of HUES magazine ( hear us emerging sisters) it started at the university of michigan just a few years ago!!


1. What are the purposes of the United Naions Organization?
2. When was UN found and how old it is now?
3. Describe the UN system strcuture?
4. When was Amnesty International found? Who launched it?
5. How many people around the world suffer from hunger?
Experimental: Who heads the Amnesty International?


1. Find a walking tour of the Haitian Art Gallery
2. Find Hindi language audio lessons
3. What was the 1990 New York City Population?
4. Find the logo of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics
5. Find a virtual
Experimental question: Can you find a speech synthesis program on the Internet?


1) Q- The "Book of Esdras" is a Duetercanonical Book of the Bible. According to the first verse of chapter one, where did Josias hold the passover feast and when did he offer it?
2) Q- True or False? There is a "Virtual On-line" Jewish Congregation.
3)Q-What verses in Genesis, Chapter One, deal with the creation of man and woman?
4)Q- What are the Chapter and verse of the following quote from Isaiah "You have been ... a refuge from the Storm".
5)Q- What does the Papal Document Unam Sanctum state (the main topic)?
6) Experimental - Q- Does the Vatican have original or at least ancient copies of the gospels and epistles on-line?


Q: Where can you find a virtual walk through of a Greek(NOT ROMAN) Bath?
Q: Will birds explode if they eat the special rice thrown at weddings?
Q: Where can you find a static virtual representation of the silicon graphics power grid?
Q: Where can you find the first map of the known world produced by Matteo Ricci, the first Jesuit missionary in the far east?
Q: Why didn't God receive tenure at any University?
My main internet hunt question was : How much can I find out about Scotland and is there a way I can relate my findings to my senior thesis on the Scottish Jacobite rebellion of 1745?


1. In ancient Rome, when was the fertility festival (Lupercalia) in honor of the pastoral god Lupercus held?
2. Where can I get pictures of the ozone hole on the Net?
3. Where is the largest pewter tankard, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, held?
4. What is Ocean Rescue 2000?
5. Where and when was the first automobile race in the United States held and who was the winner?
Experiment Question: How tall is the National Monument in Washington DC?


1. Where was the mythical labyrinth?
2. Do artists and students on Greek scholarships need AIDS tests?
3. What is the average fare for a taxi from the Athens Airport to the city?
4. What is the address in London of a 21-year established Greek record shop?

5. When did the first recorded olympic Games take place?
One internet Question without an answer:
1. When was the first time that the New York Rangers beat the New Jersey Devils?


Question 1
What were early tap dancers such as George Cohen, James Cagny and Gregory Hines known as and what do they have in common with jazz music?
Question 2
Where did Jazz Butcher perform on July 28, 1986?
Question 3
What was the name of the first jazz group of which Miles Davis was session leader?
Question 4
What is the FTP of a major archive of music notated for guitar?
Question 5 (experimental)
Name an important jazz musician from Rochester, NY.
Question 6
What is the first chord of "Persian Cat" by Jonathan Cohen?


1-) What time is it now in Hong Kong?
2-)If you desire to travel to Kobe, Japan where there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake on Jan. 17th to offer humanitarian aid, where can you find health hazards and precautions about the area?
3-)Where can you find airlines toll free numbers?
4-) What is the total population in Shanghai?
5-) What is the conversion rate of dollars to yuan (chinese currency)
THE ? W/O ANSWER---How many tourists enter China every year??????



1)well, no, there isn't. and how did i find this amazing info: netscape, www, einet galaxy, search galaxy pages, einet galaxy directory servers, community, adolescence, chili.

2)basically AIDS, substance abuse, and delinquency.i found this by using: telnet, gopher, search gopher space UNR, nysernet, search for "prevention education."

3)it is a lab that lives and was breeded at this kennel-these pages are great because there are pictures of little bitty puppies! again i went to einet galaxy then leisure, pets, bob hooper's canine info page, lab lover home page, photo gallery(

4)you bet your sweet petunias they do: einet galaxy, healthwise, info by subject, medicine, go ask alice-- jeff, go ask alice is pretty neat and something that we should have here at midd, it is basically college kids having a safe and anonymous method of asking someone who (unlike our health center) knows what they are talking about and gives frank answers--alice almost seems like a peer the way she answered the questions--i think this is great!!! oh yeah more of an answer for #4 5% of male college students have eating disorders and accordingto the clinic at johns hopkins 10% of all cases are men.

5)yes and its called the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Dissorders in the us, they also gave an assoc for spain--i found this one again in go ask alice!


1.To Find Out: Gopher--->Internet Services---> Search Gopherspace using

Veronica (via UMN)--->Search Gopherspace by title word(s)

(via PSinet)--->word search "United Naitons"--->

1. The United Nations, What it is & What it does--->

"Preamble to the Charter of the UN"

2.To Find Out: Gopher--->Internet Services---> Search Gopherspace using

Veronica (via UMN)--->Search Gopherspace by title word(s)

(via PSinet)--->word search "United Naitons"--->

"United Naitions 50th Anniversary"

3.To Find Out: Gopher--->Internet Services---> Search Gopherspace using

Veronica (via UMN)--->Search Gopherspace by title word(s)

(via PSinet)--->word search "United Naitons"--->

1. The United Nations, What it is & What it does--->

The UN System--->"United Nation System Structure"

4.To Find Out: URL:

5.To Find Out: URL:




3. gopher:// a "veronica" search in gopher using the keyword "olympics" and look for "Atl_Olympics.hqx"



1)A- In Jerusalem on the 14th day of the first month.
Gopher- Other Internet services -> searching Gopherspace using Veronica (via UNR) -Search Gopherspace by Title words via NYSERNet -Search for "The Bible" - 15 Duetercanonical Books of The Bible-The First Book of Esdras

2)A- True
Gopher- Other Gopher Servers by region- Middle East-Jerusalem One Network-List Archives from Jerusalem One Network (37)- Shalom: The First Virtual Congregation On-line Forum.

3)A-v. 26-28.
Gopher- Other Internet Services-Search Gopher Space using Veronica-Find Gopher Directories by title words (via U of Pisa)- Search "The Bible" - Passages from the "The Bible" about Women- #7 Creation of Woman.

4)A- 25:44
Lynx- www directory- g - URL of RPI Spiders or "~jinglis /research" and select "Spiders Page at RPI- Yahoo List- WWW Webcrawler- Search "The Bible" select 0153- Christian Resources- Select Daily Bread- Select archive page - select Feb. 27, 1994 Our Refuge in the Storm.

5)A- Papal Primacy
World Wide Web- +Bible - Catholic Resources on the Net- Select Unam Sanctum.


1)A: Using Veronica and the Gopher application, enter a search for Virtual Reality. There are a number of folders with the VR title, and one of them contains the virtual walk through which must be downloaded(aprox. size is 500k).

2)A: Again, using Gopher and Veronica look up information on birds. In the folder at the top of the list is fact sheet. In the sheet are some strange facts, among them it is noted that birds will NOT explode if the eat the rice thrown at weddings.

3)A: At located in the Electronic Virtual Images Gallery.

4)A: At; this sight is found using the World Wide Web.

5)A: The top 16 reasons why are found at hyperg.tu-



2. or





1.A: There are two correct answers since histories are still arguing the correct one. One correct response would be at the palace at Knossos and the other would be the passageway of a cave close to Knossos. I found the answer by going to the URL site of faq/top.html and then looking in (10 Dec.'94)soc.culture.Greek FAQ-culture.

2.A: Yes. I found this answer by going to the site as question one and then looking in (10 Dec.'94)soc.culture.Greek FAQ-tourist info-new travel information.

3.A: 1500-2000 drahmas. I found this by going through college constortium in netscape and form there I went through Pomona page to the Claremont gopher menu. Then, I used the internet search tools to get to Veronica in Denmark. After searching for Greek culture, I went through (10 Dec.'94) soc.culture.Greeek FAQ-Technical info- general travelling advice from usenet folks.

4.A: Trehantiri, 365-367 Green Lanes, Harringay, London, N4 1DY. I found this through gopher://

5.A: 776 B.C I found through the WWW directory- Greece (general info)- history(ancient).


Answer 1

They were called "hoofers" and their style of tap dancing incorporated a high degree of improvisation which is the cornerstone of jazz.
how to find;
Veronica directories via Koeln keyword "jazz"
tap jazz
tap history 1of2/txt.

Answer 2
The Blind Pig, Ann Arbor, Michigan
How to find;
WWW Virtual Library- Music
Individual Artists' homepages

Answer 3
The Birth of the Cool
How to find;
search web using worm of jumpstation
WNUR jazzserver-
"A Jazz Improvisation Primer" by Marc Sabatella
a brief history of jazz
Cool jazz

Answer 4
How to find;
Not sure... unless you stumble on it like I did. try archie...

Answer 5
This is an experimental question. Some I'm aware of are Cab Calloway and Chuck Mangione.

Answer 6
C-7 (C minor seventh)
How to find;
WNUR jazzserver
Charts of original jazz compositions- Jonathan Cohen


1)gopher->search by regions->Asia->Building and Real Estate (HK)
->Current Date and Time in HK

2) Japan Health Travel Information at (407) 875-2457

3-)gopher:// Toll-free%20 Numbers

4-) 12 million ->click Shanghai

5-) 1$= 8.5113 yuan
It contains a list of coversion for all the currencies in the world, which is frequently updated.